Loss of Volume on the Face - No.23 Skin

Loss of Volume on the Face

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Loss of volume on the Face

Lots of people ask me how we can help with loss of volume on the face.

Just like there are many ways to try and ‘fix’ this, there are also many reasons for loss of volume.

In order to understand  how we can alleviate this problem, we need to understand and treat the cause and not the problem initially.

Why we lose volume on the face

Loss of facial volume can be through the natural process of ageing, shift in the hormone balance with age, chronic UV exposure, smoking, weight loss, medication for certain medical conditions.


1. Hormonal changes through ageing:

Oestrogen is responsible for fat distribution throughout the body including the face. As we age, the production of Oestrogen reduces. This hormone is also important for regulation/ modulation of the skin cells, namely the epidermal cells, melanocytes and fibroblasts which produces collagen in the skin. Reduction of oestrogen therefore results in loss of fat, collagen, elastin which act as major scaffolding structures to help the skin have volume, texture and firmness.


2. Chronic UV exposure:

Sun exposure has a negative impact on your skin. Chronic UVA and UVB  exposure causes DNA mutations in the skin cells causing skin cancers. The UV light also effects the way elastin and collagen are produced and organised which has a negative impact of skin laxity. All these factors lead to volume loss and loss of elasticity of the skin.


3. Smoking:

We all know the long term effects of smoking on your health. Smoking also causes pre-mature ageing of the skin by increasing the breakdown of collagen and elastin which are responsible for keeping your skin firm and supple. Loss of collagen and elastin therefore leads to  sagging skin and development of wrinkles. Smoking also causes reduction in Vitamin C and A production, both are essential in maintaining your skin texture, volume and overall skin health.

4. Weight loss:

Excessive weight loss can have a negative effect on your body. Exercise in moderation and losing weight if you are overweight have a positive health outcome. But if you undertake extremes of dieting or weight loss, you can lose the facial fat which can be permanent even if you put the weight back on.


5. Medication:

This is a tough one because you are on medication for a specific reason. So, don’t stop. There are certain medications which can effect the skin: steroids can thin the skin and make blood vessels more fragile. Some blood pressure tablets and anti-epileptics can be photosensitive and cause accelerated skin ageing. To avoid this, make sure you use sun block in the morning, moisturise to hydrate the skin and protect the skin barrier. Retinoids can help replenish skin volume loss by stimulating collagen production.


Therefore, in a nutshell:


  • Look after your skin by drinking plenty of water
  • Exercise regularly and in moderation
  • Use sun protection
  • Eat healthily
  • Look after your gut health (probiotics, healthy eating)
  • Use regular moisturisers to hydrate your skin and reduce inflammation
  • Consider hormone replacement if appropriate for age, medical condition, consideration of risk factors (always consult a doctor)
  • Use a topical retinoid (eg: Tretinoin) as an anti-ageing product, but always in moderation and with advice from your doctor/ Dermatologist.
  • Get enough sleep: neurological processes that occurs during sleep has an impact on your energy levels, cognition, mood and immune responses. So, having enough sleep (at least 7 hours) is essential.
  • Be kind to yourself: De-stressing helps with your emotionally well being and physical wellbeing. Reducing stress means, the level of cortisol (stress hormone) level goes down. Cortisol has a negative impact on your skin health causing flare up of acne, eczema, dryness and general skin tiredness and dullness.



  • Smoke
  • Use sunbeds or expose yourself chronically to the sun without sun block.
  • Yo-yo diet or excessively diet which leads to unwanted facial weight loss.
  • Stop your medications, just because of its effect on your skin: talk to your doctor about a medication review.

Need more support? Speak with us about general skin health, or filler and Profhilo treatments which replace lost volume. Call 0203 9411815 or email hello@23skin.co.uk.

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