Patient Stories: Mole Check Clinic - No.23 Skin

Patient Stories: Mole Check Clinic

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Mole Check Clinic: Hear from Our Patients

Skin cancer is the most common cancer, but treatable if detected early – which is where regular check-ups come in.

Not all moles are harmless, but for those that are cancerous, quick treatment yields the best results. We know this can feel a little daunting, so here are four real patient stories to show you’re not alone.


Sally came to see us for a full mole check because she had noticed a new mole on her wrist. As is best practice, Dr Cherry completed a full mole check and identified the one on her wrist for removal due to features consistent with skin cancer. The mole removal was done there and then, and sent to the lab for analysis. The results showed a confirmed BCC (a superficial type of skin cancer). Fortunately all of the mole was taken and no further procedures need to be done. As you can imagine, Sarah was very relieved that it had been sorted quickly and actually stayed with us for other services having built up a great relationship with the dermatologist. She is followed up every 6 months to check her skin and is delighted with the medical, but also cosmetic result of the minor surgery.

mole removal London


New to the area, Mary was looking for a dermatologist to complete all her skin checks. She grew up in Australia so was aware of the sun damage that had been done to her skin (especially after a stint in a hot climate in the 70s when SPF was an afterthought). As she searched “mole check near me” we popped up on her radar. Mary booked online and saw Dr Roest for her full skin check. Fortunately nothing was wrong – but there were a few sebborheic keratoses which Dr Roest expertly froze off using cryotherapy. As recommended by our dermatologists she is invited back the following year to ensure nothing has changed.

mole check London



Clive came to see us about two suspicious moles he wanted removed. He is the type of guy who doesn’t like to wait around and took his health into his own hands. After searching for a dermatologist in London, he decided on us due to our positive google reviews and attended the clinic to see an experienced dermatologist. After examination of the two he was concerned about (and the rest of his skin), two did require removal due to sinister features. One of them was positively diagnosed as a BCC in the lab after removal. By picking the mole up early Clive needed no further treatment – fortunately the cancer was all removed. In 3-6 months Clive will return for another full mole check as his risks are greater, but in the knowledge that if any further changes occur they will be picked up quickly.



Frank was used to mole checks –  he had a history of spending a lot of time in the sunshine as he has a property in the Caribbean so understood the importance of regular monitoring. Following the top to toe examination a suspicious mole was identified on his shoulder. As it had features of a melanoma, urgent treatment was required in hospital. This was facilitated within the week with consultant colleagues locally. Fortunately it was removed quickly – it was confirmed as a melanoma but due to the wide excision completed in hospital, all was taken and he did not require further treatment for that mole and is fit and well.


Worried about a mole? Get it checked and removed on the same day by our industry-leading dermatologists.

Book online or call us on 02039411815 for more information.


Helen & Dr Cherry


No. 23 Skin


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