Acne Treatment London for Clear, Healthy Skin by Doctors | No. 23 Skin
No.23 Skin Kensignton - Acne


Acne & Acne Treatment in London

We understand that acne can really knock your confidence, make you want to hide away, layer on foundation, and generally hamper your self-esteem.

One of the main reasons this clinic was founded is the personal knowledge that getting good advice and treatment for acne can be life changing (see our founder’s story here).

Whether you’re preparing for a big meeting, an event, or struggling with day to day anxiety from acne, we know how important good results are. Come and see us for the best acne treatment for your skin and keep those spots at bay for good.

Book an appointment with one of our specialist dermatologists and get the treatment you need. We also do cortisone shots for cystic acne (if it is appropriate to do so).

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What is acne?

Acne, or acne vulgaris is a common condition affecting the hair follicle and sebaceous gland. When oil or dead skin cells block the follicles, blackheads, whiteheads, spots and pimples can appear.

Usually on the face, check and back areas of the body it can lead to scarring. It is very common – affecting millions of people worldwide, predominantly in teenage years but unfortunately often into adulthood.

What causes it

Acne can be caused by:

  • Hormones
  • Hormonal conditions such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which may also cause irregular periods, weight changes and unusual hair growth
  • Cosmetics and medication
  • Diet
  • Genetics

How can we treat it?

Acne may be common, but it needn’t be left untreated – particularly because it can lead to acne scars. We know acne can feel very personal, so it needs particular care and attention.

If you’re suffering from acne, come and see us. Following a consultation with our doctor, you’ll be placed on an appropriate acne treatment programme. This may be through advice, prescriptions, creams, a programme of peels and acne facials to help clear the dead skin cells, or a combination of all four. We can also support with acne scar treatment if needed.

You’re in safe hands – we will do a thorough assessment with you before treatment to ensure the best results.


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