5 ways to help eczema in kids - No.23 Skin

5 ways to help eczema in kids

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Eczema in kids

Dry skin patches can be due to Eczema. The common areas affected are at the back of the knees,  the elbows creases, ankle crease,  neck creases, around the eyes and on cheeks.

Our top tips are:

  1. Bathe in lukewarm water and use emollients instead of soap (such as Oilatum, Aveeno, Dermol bath/ shower lotions)
  2. Put lots of moisturiser on after bathing (within 3 mins), and keep applying moisturiser throughout the day. We like Aproderm, Dermol, Aveeno, Epaderm, Oilatum & Hydromol.
  3. Moisturise at least twice a day
  4. Wet wraps may also help.
  5. Antihistamines help in the night to alleviate the itch and also to help with sleep due to its drowsy aide effect.

If despite religiously doing the above to hydrate and protect the skin’s barrier and still your child’s eczema is not better, then steroid creams and ointments can be used to try and reduce inflammation of the skin and the thickness created due to the chronic eczema and chronic scratching.

See your GP or book in for a dermatology consultation if you need additional support. Got a question about eczema? Use our contact form to ask us. 

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