Acne Treatment Near Me - No.23 Skin

Acne Treatment Near Me

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Acne treatment near me

We know what it is like to have acne. It’s painful. It crushes your confidence. It can be hard to find a treatment that works long-term. And it is one of the reasons we founded this clinic. Out of the frustration that few places provided the medical and the cosmetic support under one roof, we created one.


What acne treatment works:

Depending on the type and the severity of your acne, we can help with a combination of treatments that we have been found to be the most effective.

  1. Evaluating your at home skincare routine. If you have suffered with acne for a while, it is likely that you have googled and researched (and spent a fortune on) multiple products that give wonder claims. This is great if you land on one that works. But, everyone’s skin is different and it is far more effective if an expert (or a dermatologist) looks at your skin to identify the key cause – and then recommends what will actually work for you. And stick with it. Consistency with the right products is everything.
  2. Identifying if there is a medical need. Often a prescription is required to calm down your acne and bring you some peace. Again, the prescription depends on your acne, but this can be antibiotics, topical creams, and more heavy hitting acne medications that need close monitoring.
  3. Putting in place a treatment plan. The right clinical facials show brilliant results for acne. But don’t be fooled by spa-like treatments. You’ll need a combination of peels, anti-inflammatory treatments like LED, and moisturising (even if you feel like your skin wouldn’t like a moisturiser).
  4. Continue with a maintenance plan. This will be skincare identified in point one, plus the occasional facial/treatment to keep everything under control long-term.
  5. Scar management. If you have scars from the acne, this can feel even more unfair than the acne in the first place. Fortunately, there are effective FDA-approved treatments that can get rid of them, whilst improving your overall skin texture. Win win.

Don’t be left wondering if your acne can be sorted – whether you feel it is too late, too much, too little – if it is affecting your day-to-day life it is worth getting sorted. We don’t judge, we’re super-approachable, and we can always help, regardless of your starting point.

acne before and after

Next steps

Ask your questions today. And find the acne treatment that is right for you.


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