Fundamentals of Skin Health - No.23 Skin

Fundamentals of Skin Health

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The fundamentals of skin health 

Skin first. That’s been our philosophy from the start. Everything else follows once your base is at its best. Good skin health means taking care of your overall health. You probably already know what the basics are – here’s why they’re vital for better skin:

Water is your skin’s best friend

Skin is almost 65% water. Staying hydrated makes sense.

Exercise gets the blood flowing

Skin glowing post-workout? That’s the result of increased blood flow bring oxygen to cells. Exercise can also reduce anxiety, which helps with eczema, psoriasis and acne.

Relaxation calms everything

Mind, body – and skin. Stress can cause inflammation.  

Healthy diet, healthy skin

Wholegrains, fruits and vegetables support the skin’s function. There’s also evidence that a high-fibre diet improves the outlook for skin cancer patients. 

Rest to recover

Sleep is vital for repairing cells. That goes for skin too.

Get an annual skin check

Early detection can cure most forms of skin cancer – a full-body professional examination will put your mind at ease.


What goes on outside is as important as inside. A smart skincare regime protects and preserves the skin, and boils down to three essentials: moisturiser, anti-ager, and sunblock. Follow these steps:

  1. Wash your face with lukewarm water
  2. Moisturise, as this replenishes the fatty outer layer (lipid barrier, if we’re getting technical), keeping skin healthy. Moisturise twice a day
  3. Use an anti-ager, such as retinoid or vitamin C serum – especially important once you hit your thirties, and beyond
  • Start with the lowest recommended dosage for products with strong active ingredients such as retinol, and gradually increase so that your skin can build up tolerance
  • Use sunblock with SPF50+ to protect against UV rays, which cause premature ageing and can cause skin cancer

    4. Have regular facials or peels to improve texture and tone

These are the foundations of solid skincare. But it’s also worth bearing the following in mind:


It can strip away the protective fatty outer layer of the skin. 

Don’t use soap and hot water

Again, because they can strip away the outer layer.

Think twice about face scrubs

Abrasive exfoliants can damage the outer layer. 

Don’t use multiple products at the same time

Less is more.

If you’re struggling from a skin condition or want to improve the overall quality of your skin then please get in touch – there is a lot we can do to help.

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