Laser Treatment: Before and After - No.23 Skin

Laser Treatment: Before and After

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Laser Treatment Before and After

BBL (technically a super-powered pulse light). We have seen fantastic results for redness, capillaries and fresh, bright skin.

Moxi – for texture, pigmentation and overall rejuvenation.

Dr Cherry – one treatment, one week

We know that finding out about a new treatment can be daunting… so come and chat with us free of charge and with no pressure to go ahead with treatment. We would rather you were well informed before embarking on any treatment to support your skin.

Book online or call us on 02039411815.

Helen & Dr Cherry
No. 23 Skin


Reviews for laser treatment with us:

“Shannon was stupendous, as ever, and my experience was a reiteration of what I’ve written in the past. As someone accustomed to the US-American way of doing medicine, I was taken aback by the lack of a hard sale to keep me buying services. Instead, Shannon and I reviewed my skin’s progress and made a plan for me (rather than the clinic, which would benefit them economically) to re-evaluate over the coming months. That alone has secured my future visits. I will be back, although not too soon thanks to Shannon’s work.”

“I called several people yesterday to tell them how happy I am to see my face clearing up. I had thought that I was seeing an improvement but to see the ‘before’ photos was jarring. Thanks so much for the help and I believe that I’ll be purchasing another round of BBL in the next few months. Thank you again for being so kind and caring.”

“Your clinic is great – from start to finish, it’s been a fantastic experience. So happy I was sent your way and will be back for more once my initial treatment is complete.”

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