Nervous about skin treatments? Most people are - No.23 Skin

Nervous about skin treatments? Most people are

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First time to skin treatments? Daunted? You’re not alone

Most of our first-time clients have a base knowledge about skin challenges and related treatments. But skin is such a personal matter that knowing what to do is a different question altogether.

For some, taking action is the hardest part.

You can see this in the faces of most people when they first enter the clinic. Despite being successful individuals, they are nervous, even embarrassed. They often want to be invisible.

When offered a tea, they say no. Instead, they sit quietly and read a magazine.

After their appointment, they seem suitably reassured but remain reserved.

It’s not our fault that we’re suffering from skin conditions like acne or have more wrinkles than our peers.

But, the tendency is to blame ourselves.

I am personally familiar with this story.

I watched too many ads and spent a fortune on products and over the counter ‘remedies’. I left it too long to seek proper help for my skin. I still find it challenging to engage the specialists that are now part of my day-to-day life.

But it’s worth it.

The once reserved and timid customers are soon transformed by the visible changes to their skin.

When they arrive for their follow-ups, they are radiant.

It runs deeper that than the treatment. Their elation is infectious. It’s the best part of my job.

Because good skin changes many things.

Cuppa, anyone?

Helen x

Email me directly to find out more about my acne, scaring and overall misery that my skin caused me for years:


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